Thursday, November 16, 2006

I'm gonna be a Dad!


Laura went to the Doctor Wednsday to confirm the results of the tests she took at home, and great news. I'm going to be a father!!! Wooooooo hoooooooo!!!!


Michelle Auer said...

I made a commemorative robot cartoon on my blog too! :-)

Lei Lei said...

OMG!! That's so awesome Brandon! Congratulations to you both. We're trying for another one also. Keep posting monthly updates and baby belly shots-those are always sexy! Congrats!

Marcy said...

hey hey My gosh You are first time to be DADDY!!! Finally to be family with your wife! and I have not hear from you so far since You got mail from us about we got married smile! CONGRATS!!! Let me know what is Gender baby !! Miss you! cousin!

Deb Hardman said...

Welcome to the land of parenthood! Now I'll get my revenge! Only kidding, you are a great son & I'm sure you'll be a great Daddy. & I agree with Loni, we want progress reports! Have Laura start using the cocoa butter on her belly & thighs now, to avoid stretch marks! I learned way too late!